We’ve been super busy here at Pixbee Head Office, getting the word out to everyone about the amazing features and benefits of our range of Pixbee products. Check out some of the coverage we’ve received recently and click on the links to learn more.

  • The smart watch that gives them independence - and you peace of mind.

    They love Pixbee at Kidspot, so much that Jenna Martin gave it to her son to road test while at his grandparents. Check out her take here.

  • The new technology helping parents to keep kids safe.

    Pixbee is put to the test on Channel 9’s A Current Affair. Reviewed by leading Technology Journalist Stephen Fenech, Pixbee is used in a real-life situation by a busy Sydney family. You can view the clip here.

  • 9Now.nine.com.au Review

    On the 9Now website, Pixbee and its advantages are discussed. Check it out here.

  • Top 10 Best Kid Smartwatches.

    Pixbee made it into Kid Spot’s annual leader board as part of its Top 10 Best kids smartwatches. Check it out here.

  • 2021 Holiday Activity Book Feature.

    Pixbee made it into KZone’s Unboxing section, where new toys and kids tech are featured as the ‘coolest loot in town.’ You can check it out here. Pixbee was even made a fun game in the KZone Activity book and appeared in the publication’s Gift Guide. Check it out here.

  • Christmas Cracker Giveaway.

    Pixbee is part of a giveaway across the WFSM Sydney Network in their Christmas Cracker section. Pixbee was announced as a prize to excited recipients.

  • Weekend Edition with Tim Gilbert Technology Review.

    Award-winning tech reviewer Djuro Sen gives a positive overview of the features and benefits of Pixbee. The clip can be found here.